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Derek Chauvin a Racist? Im I a Racist? I think not.


It is clear that Derek Chauvin is getting justice. I am sure many people are happy about that. I am struggling with the idea that he is a know racist. If he is a know racist, why on earth did his superior send him on a police disturbance call where a person who had dark skin was the possible perpetrator? If you know that a police officer is a pedophile, you do not send him on a call to a children's home. If someone is a known woman abuser, you don't send them to a women's health club. So if he had a record of promoting racism and doing things to other people because of their skin color, would you not reassign him to other duties if you could not fire him? If someone is a known white supremist, I would not invite them to a black pride awards dinner. I see him getting convicted of second degree murder but I do not envision him of getting convicted based on any racist crime. So I think that the police chief is just as to much to blame as whoever his superior was, if he truly is a known racist. If he is truly a known racist, his police department basically said "we know what you are and we want you to be the one to handle this incident because of the people involved."



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